Jonathan Danko Kielkowski

Photography, Documentation


In my thesis "Schutzraum Nuremberg", I illuminate the hidden world of historical shelters in Nuremberg, which have their origins in the Middle Ages, World War II, and the Cold War era. These underground structures, forming an extensive labyrinth of bunkers, old canal shafts, and passages, were extensively documented by me through photography. I captured every known bunker facility in Nuremberg, including many that no longer exist today or had never been comprehensively documented before. A special feature of my work was the creation of a 3D model of the city, revealing the extent and position of the bunkers beneath the houses of Nuremberg and enabling an interactive exploration of the underground. Thus, this documentation represents a unique portrayal of the city's underground heritage.

Images and graphics from my thesis have been published in numerous books, TV productions, and press reports. Among others, in the book "Unterirdisch-Verborgene Orte in Deutschland" by Dumont Publishing, presented here under "Books".
